be a part of the next generation of rehab specialists


Foundational Virtual Reality Therapy Certification
(Level 1)

Through the use of VR, therapists around the globe are solving motivation, engagement, and stagnation issues with their patients, and even expediting patients goals by simulating life-like, real world environments to do functional activities in rather than in their hospital room or rehab gym.

To teach and educate therapists about this incredible technology, we have created a course catalogue to educate clinicians over the efficacy and current state of VR technology. With this course, attendees can expect to:

  1. Understand the state of Virtual Reality in rehab today.

  2. Learn about proposed mechanisms of recovery.

  3. Understand similarities and differences between immersive virtual environments and real-world simulations.

  4. Analyze existing literature on efficacy utilizing virtual reality.

  5. Learn how to apply VR to a diverse patient population.


Why Virtual Reality?

We all know how difficult it can be to balance setting up your patients therapy session, documenting, and also helping them stay motivated and engaged.

Thanks to The XR Therapy System, your virtual exercises objective data is tracked, the virtual environment is ready with minimal set up time, and functional activities are gamified

What are clinicians & patients saying?

The XR Therapy System has been shaped by clinician and patient feedback since 2017 thanks in part to being created within an outpatient neuro clinic allowing 100+ treatment hours that are reimbursable by insurance.

Become a next generation therapist.

Technology is growing fast, it’s time to take hold and integrate the future into your practice!

Begin your Virtual Reality Journey today!

Already have our system?

Did you know that after treating atleast 5 patients and following our onboarding & training protocol that you are eligible to become an officially recognized Certified User in our clinician database? Visit the product owner certification portal to begin the Certified User process!